
Sustainability embedded into Nexans’ governance

To guide the Group toward achieving our sustainability goals, we have set up a dedicated CSR governance structure, powered by the Sustainable Development Department. It works to ensure that our financial performance comes with positive environmental and social impacts.

This multi-level governance structure includes the following groups and roles:

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors’ role is to validate Nexans’ sustainability strategy and roadmap and review implementation and results at least twice a year, together with the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee.

The Board has several committees:

  • Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee
  • Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee
  • Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee
  • Compensation Committee.
Marc Grynberg

Climate Director

We expanded the Group’s corporate governance team in early 2022 with the appointment of Marc Grynberg as an independent director to monitor climate and environmental issues. His role is to promote, facilitate and manage the integration of climate and environmental considerations into Nexans’ strategy, together with the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee and the other members of the Board of Directors. He also serves on the Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee identifies, reviews and approves sustainability-related matters. Its responsibilities include:

  • defining the sustainability strategy to be integrated into the Group’s strategy
  • defining the sustainability roadmap and monitoring progress
  • assessing results
  • the E3 performance model
  • keeping informed of regulatory changes.
Nexans executive committee

In 2023, the Executive Committee collaborated with two expert committees to translate Nexans’ sustainability goals into actions.

Environment and Products Committee

The Environment and Products Committee addresses the following topics: workplace safety; on-site environmental management and audits; recycling and waste; soil analysis; climate change assessment and management, energy efficiency, responsible sourcing; innovation and new product development; life cycle assessment and environmental declarations; ecodesign; chemical regulations; biodiversity; and water management.

It is co-chaired by the Corporate Vice President, Innovation, Services & Growth, and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, who are both members of the Executive Committee.

Governance and Social Affairs Committee

The Governance and Social Affairs Committee reviews matters pertaining to governance; ethics and business conduct; sustainability risks; management-employee dialogue; human capital; human rights; opinion polls, in-house employee engagement surveys; diversity and inclusion; sustainability reporting; stakeholder relations; sustainability communications; and Fondation Nexans.

It is co-chaired by two members of the Executive Committee: the Senior Corporate Vice President in charge of Human Resources and the General Counsel & Secretary General.

Planet Project team

The Planet Project team is chaired by the Vice President in charge of Sustainability, who reports to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Financial Officer, as well as the Senior Corporate Vice President in charge of Human Resources, both members of the Executive Committee. It brings together sustainability managers from every corporate function: operations, sales, purchasing, R&D, CSR, and so on. The team meets twice a month and monitors the implementation of the Group’s sustainability action plans.

Operational Committees

Operational committees in each functional division (operations, purchasing, sales and communications), made up of Business Groups, sustainability managers and the heads of the corporate functions, meet regularly to monitor the implementation of the Group’s sustainability action plans.

Business Groups

Business Groups are in charge of implementing the sustainability roadmap defined by the Executive Committee and reviewed by the Operational Committees.

Nexans’ highest level of governance, operational divisions and support functions are all involved in developing our CSR policy and monitoring the implementation of our CSR actions, demonstrating how deeply sustainability is embedded into our strategy.