How AI is transforming the electrification industry: From design to safety
Digital and data innovation
13 September 2024
10 min
How AI is transforming the electrification industry

The electrification industry is at the forefront of what many are calling the next industrial revolution, driven by two pivotal shifts: the global energy transition and the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI). As the world moves toward sustainable energy, the complexity of electrification projects grows exponentially.

This is where AI comes in, not just as a tool but as a transformative force. By enhancing innovation, optimizing production, improving safety, and simplifying communication, AI is playing a critical role in powering this new era of electrification.

But what does this mean in practice? Let’s explore how AI is reshaping the electrification industry or is expected to be a game-changer.

1. AI-driven innovation: Powering product design

Here are two ways AI is a game-changer in this field.

AI in R&D

Generative AI is transforming how manufacturers design electrification products, rapidly analyzing millions of variables to identify optimal solutions that would take humans years to discover.

For example, companies are using AI to design cables with enhanced fire resistance, flexibility, and recyclability, all of which are essential for the energy transition.

By 2028, the demand for product innovation is expected to drive 50% of major manufacturers to leverage generative AI to analyze engineering archives and uncover new opportunities for existing innovations.

Revolutionizing product development

In another industry, Decathlon uses generative AI in combination with CAD software to introduce eco-design into their bicycle production process.

In the electrification sector, AI could also accelerate the development of sustainable, cost-effective products.

By driving AI-powered innovation, companies can create products that not only meet today’s demands but are also prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Imagine a future where AI drives boundless creativity and innovation. In reality, it’s already happening.
And for the cable industry, this is nothing short of revolutionary.

Patrick Fernandez
Patrick Fernandez

Head of Data, Nexans

2. AI in predictive maintenance: Ensuring reliability and efficiency

AI is also expecting to play a crucial role in maintaining the infrastructure that supports electrification. The industry depends on vast networks of complex systems—like smart grids, wind turbines, and solar farms—where any malfunction could disrupt energy supply.

Here’s how:

Predictive maintenance in action

By analyzing real-time data from sensors embedded in equipment, AI can predict when machines are likely to fail, reducing downtime and avoiding costly breakdowns.

Optimizing smart grids

Beyond individual machines, AI optimizes energy grids by managing power flow and detecting faults before they disrupt service. AI can forecast grid demand based on weather patterns, cable conditions, and energy consumption, ensuring efficient power distribution.

For example, the American manufacturing industry generates a staggering 1,812 petabytes of data annually, much of which is essential for running predictive maintenance on critical infrastructure.

Imagine a power grid that predicts an issue with a cable or turbine days in advance. With AI, this kind of predictive power is becoming a reality, ensuring more reliable energy systems.

3. AI for safety: Protecting people in their work environments

In electrification plants and factories, high-voltage cables, heavy machinery, and complex workflows can make the environment hazardous if rigorous safety protocols aren’t followed. AI is helping protect workers by identifying risks before they lead to accidents.

Here’s AI’s role in worker safety:

  • Incident reporting and analysis: AI analyzes past incidents to detect patterns, allowing companies to identify potential hazards before they cause harm.
  • Multilingual capabilities: For global companies, AI can translate safety reports across multiple languages, ensuring consistency in safety practices.
  • AI-driven safety simulations: AI can simulate dangerous scenarios—such as electrical fires or equipment malfunctions—to test the resilience of safety protocols in real time.

Factories that use AI to enhance safety protocols have seen 15-20% fewer accidents, as AI systems detect risks that might go unnoticed by human operators. By predicting and mitigating risks, AI plays a vital role in keeping employees safe in hazardous environments.


4. AI for infrastructure safety: Preventing disruptions and damage

The electrification industry relies on a vast network of physical assets—such as power grids and underground cables—that are susceptible to wear, natural disasters, and sabotage. AI helps protect these infrastructures by monitoring their integrity in real time.

What is AI’s role in infrastructure monitoring?

  • Continuous monitoring: AI analyzes sensor data from electrical grids, underground cables, and substations to detect anomalies that may signal damage or wear.
  • Natural disaster resilience: AI models can simulate the impact of extreme weather events on infrastructure and suggest measures to prevent widespread damage.
  • Cybersecurity enhancements: As grids become smarter, they also become more vulnerable to cyberattacks. AI strengthens infrastructure security by detecting unusual network activity and responding to threats in real time.

For instance, AI systems now monitor millions of kilometers of diverse cables in global power grids, identifying potential points of failure before they cause blackouts.

With AI, electrification companies can maintain safer, more resilient infrastructure, protecting both assets and the communities they serve.

5. AI in marketing and communication: Simplifying complex messages

To effectively sway decisions towards our electrification solutions, crafting compelling content that resonates with the audience’s expectations and level of understanding is imperative.

AI is revolutionizing how companies communicate complex ideas in several ways:

Personalized marketing with AI

AI enables companies to craft messages that resonate with diverse global audiences. It tailors marketing strategies to local regulations, cultural nuances, and even customer preferences.

  • Localized content creation: Generative AI produces marketing content adapted for different markets, ensuring compliance with local laws and cultural preferences.
  • Real-time adaptation: AI updates marketing messages in real time, ensuring they remain relevant as market conditions change.

Engaging global audiences

Imagine launching a global electrification campaign where AI ensures that the messaging resonates as well in Japan as it does in Spain, while staying true to the company’s values. Nexans, for example, uses AI to create personalized content that speaks directly to customers’ needs in various countries.

Data quality: the foundation for AI-driven success

To effectively sway decisions towards our electrification solutions, crafting compelling content that resonates with the audience’s expectations and level of understanding is imperative.

At the heart of every AI application lies one critical factor: data. AI systems can only be as good as the data they process. In an industry that generates millions of data points across its operations—from customer interactions to equipment performance—ensuring data quality is paramount. Without accurate, consistent, and up-to-date data, even the most advanced AI algorithms can fail.

AI tools assist in cleaning and organizing data, eliminating errors, and filling in gaps. For instance, Nexans used AI to process thousands of technical documents, which helped streamline workflows and improve decision-making across the organization.

Ensuring high-quality data is not just a best practice but a necessity for maximizing the effectiveness of AI in the electrification industry.


The human + AI partnership driving electrification

In every corner of the electrification industry—from designing fire-resistant cables to predicting power grid failures and safeguarding worker safety—AI is making significant contributions.

AI is not replacing human expertise but enhancing it. The future of electrification will be shaped by how well we integrate AI into our operations and decision-making processes.

By combining the power of AI with human ingenuity, we are on the cusp of an electrification revolution that promises a smarter, safer, and more sustainable world.

Nexans has embarked on a transformative journey, leveraging Generative AI not just as a tool for superior data quality but as a catalyst for human-AI collaboration, marking a new era of responsible data excellence. Our experience with Nexans AI has laid the groundwork for this evolution, streamlining operations and empowering our teams. As we integrate Generative AI, our focus on data quality becomes a cornerstone for innovation and efficiency.

By prioritizing data quality and integrating human oversight, we are setting new standards for data excellence. This partnership ensures that AI remains a force for good, driving innovation while upholding ethical standards and human values.

Patrick Fernandez


With over a decade of expertise in Data Analytics and Management, Patrick Fernandez leads, as Head of Data, the organization’s data strategy and governance. His international experience and energy industry knowledge, including his tenure at Iberdrola, brings a unique perspective to his role. Passionate about efficiency and data sustainability, he is committed to building a modern data ecosystem and fostering a data-driven culture. His vision is to harness the full potential of data, transforming it into a powerful asset that fuels the organization’s decision-making processes and propels future growth strategies.